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Regular price $18.99 USD
Regular price $36.99 USD Sale price $18.99 USD
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Reusable Organic Mesh Bags with ties

Material: Organic Cotton

6 in each bundle:

2 Small- 7.5in x 9.8in great for herbs, ginger, garlic, turmeric, dried beans, mushrooms and baby tomatoes. 

2 Medium- 12.2in x 9.8in great for apples, lemons and other citrus, full sized tomatoes, potatoes, spinach, and peppers.

2 Large- 16.1in x 9.8in great for tall stalky veggies like kale, large carrots, celery, bananas, beets, broccoli, corn, and cucumber.



Processing time is 24-48 hours. Please allow 7-14 days for your bags to ship! You will recieve a tracking number within 1-2 days.

Return policy

Enjoy Hassel free returns! You have 30 days after purchsing Sustainabag to return it for a 100% refund, no questions asked. We truly believe you will enjoy your new bags!

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Shop with the Plant in Mind

By choosing a resuable bag, you are making the decision not to contribute to the 5 trillion bags used world wide every year. Each time you shop, that is 1, 2, or 10 less bags that end up in our landfills and oceans. Each bag counts, and over the course of a month, a year, and a lifetime you can be making a HUGE impact!

Durable. Washable. Sizeable.

Gather everything you need from nuts to herbs to potatoes. With 6 bags, you can fit everything you need for a well rounded nutricoius week! Without the unecessary chemicals that leak off of plastic bags. Just give them a light wash when its time, and they will last as long as you need them too.

Each Purchase Plants a Tree

Every purchase made through The Canopy Collective plants a tree. Yupp, it's really that simple! You make a purchase for your health and the health of the planet, and we plant a tree, for the health of the planet, and the health of every being that inhabits it. Thats what we consider sustainability!

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