Planting Your Tree

At The Canopy Collective, we believe in environmental responsibility, and have a passion for taking care of this beautiful earth we all inhabit. That's why we plant a tree with each order! 

Why plant a tree?

The average tree can sequester about 48 pounds of carbon a year and about 1 ton of carbon in its lifetime. What does 1 ton of carbon look like? It is about the amount of carbon you would produce from about a 2,500-mile car ride, a 3,000-mile airplane ride, or about half of the carbon you produce through your diet each year. Humans as a whole produce about 35 billion tons of carbon each year. So yes, we need to do a lot more then plant trees to stop climate change. But planting a tree and using reusable bags is a great start to cutting down on your carbon footprint, and each other small change we can make adds up, resulting in drastic changes. Way to take action!